Journey of discovery
Anne Pöhlmann – 2020

Anne Pöhlmann is at home in several places around the world; traveling is an essential part of her life and work. Photographs from Havana are, for example, processed in Germany and printed on French silk in Kyoto. The rejection of traditional image carriers, the use of old, partly historical fabrics, environmentally conscious printers, and sustainable materials point to a contemporary approach to the artistic process of creation.
At the same time, Pöhlmann is reflecting on the paradigm shift in the use of the medium itself. While traditional photography focuses on the image of reality in addition to motif and composition, the digital variant functions independently because the questions of image and representation become obsolete with a few editing clicks. Within the installation 2020, Pöhlmann works with photographs printed on fabrics, which occupy an additional dimension through the textile expansion into the room.