Research trip
Janet Bellotto – Expedition to Paradise Adrift

The destination of the Expedition to Paradise Adrift is Sable Island, a Canadian island that constitutes a nautical challenge on the transatlantic shipping route. With a length of 42 kilometers and a width of just two kilometers, it has the shape of a thin, sandy sickle, to which already many sailors fell victim. Since the end of the 16th century, the deaths of more than 10,000 people and over 350 shipwrecks, the remains of which are still lying offshore, have been recorded on this “cemetery of the Atlantic”.
At the same time, due to its remoteness, the island became a paradise for animals, home to wild horses, seals, and birds. In her work, Janet Bellotto explores the paradoxicality of the place – a life-saving idyll for the wildlife and a threatening travel route for human beings.