Journey of discovery
Stanley Brouwn – THIS WAY BROUWN

At the invitation of Valdis Āboliņš, cultural advisor to Aachen University of Technology’s AStA (General Students’ Union), and the Cologne-based artist Tomas Schmit, Stanley Brouwn participates in the Fluxus Festival of New Art in Aachen on the 20th of July 1964, which aims to abolish the division between art and life. In his performance, Brouwn asks passers-by to draw the way he would have to take from the station to their apartment from memory.
In the accompanying brochure, only an empty page and the request to produce a THIS WAY BROUWN refers to the artistic contribution. In this conceptual art series, Brouwn questions the artist’s authorship by directly involving the audience in the development and creation of the work.