Journey of discovery
Simon Faithfull – Expanding Atlas of Subjectivity
We are absorbing an estimated ten million im pressions per second. Only a few of these impressions can be digitally recorded. Simon Faithfull still attempts to approach this with his Expanding Atlas of Subjectivity. During his worldwide travels, he draws what he sees in his surroundings as often as possible. To do so, he uses an app on his smartphone, which could itself capture his impressions on photographs in seconds. It might seem absurd, but it is the conscious decision for the timespan that is necessary to create the drawings.
An online database has been generated that contains 1,276 works so far, to which the coordinates of their place of origin were added, and which are all on display in the exhibition. Each new drawing is sent directly to the exhibition space via the app and is printed out; the atlas of Faithfull’s subjective perceptions is thus constantly growing on-site.