Journey of discovery
I am looking at Silicon Valley – Silicon Valley is looking at Me / decoding photography no. 4

In the fourth part of the series, Mareike Foecking talks with Roberta Ahlquist, a writer, speaker, and book editor, who teaches teachers the multicultural foundations of education in the College of Education at San Jose State University.
Journey of discovery
Perhaps, in the end, the most essential meaning of all travel is to see the near with new or different eyes.

Timm Ulrichs in an interview about the significance of travel, fantasy and the last journey.
Bon Voyage!
Kunstrauschen 06: Last journey

When is a trip really over? Anton and Beyza know the feeling of wanderlust, of being homesick, and also the joy of coming home when you return from vacation. During their forays through the exhibition 'Bon Voyage!' the two have talked about many kinds of travel. We are curious to see which end they will choose for their expedition at the Ludwig Forum!
- Marina Abramović & Ulay
- Francis Alÿs
- Shūsaku Arakawa
- Kader Attia
- Lothar Baumgarten
- Janet Bellotto
- Joseph Beuys
- Christoph Brech
- Stanley Brouwn
- Peter Brüning
- Michael Buthe
- Ivan S. Čujkov
- Julian Charrière
- Walter Dahn
- Matthew Day Jackson
- Hélène Delprat
- Simon Faithfull
- Mareike Foecking
- Jerry Frantz
- Gerard Garouste
- Philipp Goldbach
- Nancy Graves
- Manaf Halbouni
- Michael Heizer
- Jochem Hendricks
- Klara Hobza
- Stephan Huber
- Jean-Olivier Hucleux
- Cécile Hummel
- Sven Johne
- Vladan Joler & Kate Crawford
- Dagmar Keller
- Dagmar Keller & Martin Wittwer
- Fabian Knecht
- Norbert Kottmann
- Svetlana Kopystiansky
- Till Krause
- Alicja Kwade
- Talisa Lallai
- Via Lewandoswky
- Richard Long
- Hiroyuki Masuyama
- Duane Michals
- Christoph Mueller
- Roman Ondak
- A. R. Penck
- Michail Pirgelis
- Dani Ploeger
- Anne Pöhlmann
- Jon Rafman
- Nicole Schuck
- Michael Snow
- Stefan Sous
- Vera Sous
- Katrin Ströbel
- Katrin Ströbel & Mohammed Laouli
- Timm Ulrichs
- Wolfgang von Contzen
- Christoph Westermeier
- Francesca Woodman
- Marina Abramović & Ulay
- Francis Alÿs
- Shūsaku Arakawa
- Kader Attia
- Lothar Baumgarten
- Janet Bellotto
- Joseph Beuys
- Christoph Brech
- Stanley Brouwn
- Peter Brüning
- Michael Buthe
- Ivan S. Čujkov
- Julian Charrière
- Walter Dahn
- Matthew Day Jackson
- Hélène Delprat
- Simon Faithfull
- Mareike Foecking
- Jerry Frantz
- Gerard Garouste
- Philipp Goldbach
- Nancy Graves
- Manaf Halbouni
- Michael Heizer
- Jochem Hendricks
- Klara Hobza
- Stephan Huber
- Jean-Olivier Hucleux
- Cécile Hummel
- Sven Johne
- Vladan Joler & Kate Crawford
- Dagmar Keller
- Dagmar Keller & Martin Wittwer
- Fabian Knecht
- Norbert Kottmann
- Svetlana Kopystiansky
- Till Krause
- Alicja Kwade
- Talisa Lallai
- Via Lewandoswky
- Richard Long
- Hiroyuki Masuyama
- Duane Michals
- Christoph Mueller
- Roman Ondak
- A. R. Penck
- Michail Pirgelis
- Dani Ploeger
- Anne Pöhlmann
- Jon Rafman
- Nicole Schuck
- Michael Snow
- Stefan Sous
- Vera Sous
- Katrin Ströbel
- Katrin Ströbel & Mohammed Laouli
- Timm Ulrichs
- Wolfgang von Contzen
- Christoph Westermeier
- Francesca Woodman
Once a year, you should go to a place you’ve never been.
Dalai Lama